May Update


Since the outbreak of Covid-19 and subsequent worldwide ‘lockdown’, many of us have been getting green-fingered. Our gardener Stuart has also been busy planting and nurturing our kitchen garden with lots of wonderful produce for this year. We thought you may like a regular update on our kitchen garden happenings, as every week something different has popped up or grown shoots; at this time it’s so comforting and exciting to see the changes.

This week the new potatoes have been earthed up and are growing well; we can’t wait to eat them warm with butter and homegrown mint – delicious. The main crop of potatoes have also been planted, which is very exciting. The lettuce, squash, cauliflower and Brussel sprouts have been planted out as well as the sweet peas. We really can’t wait to see bunches of those delicate flowers adorning the house with their addictive sweet scent.

The carrot and beetroot were sadly eaten by slugs! But these have since been resown including a new row of each; hopefully the slugs have had their fill now. The parsnips have been thinned and are growing well and the French beans have been sown and planted out. The cucumbers and tomatoes are doing well; as you will see from the picture below the cucumbers are ready for picking.

This week Stuart will be planting out lettuces, thinning out the carrots and continuing with weeding and making sure the garden is watered, especially with the dry weather expected this week. Happy gardening everyone. 

Kitchen garden at Boconnoc Greenhouse at Boconnoc Kitchen Garden at Boconnoc