Precious bounty from our kitchen garden

Like many other businesses this year we have had to adapt to the ever changing situation. In the autumn of last year the team sat down to discuss the upcoming year and decide what produce to plant for our weddings and events so we could work towards becoming more self sufficient. With the changes this year, we had to rethink how to best make use of the abundance of produce we had so put a plan in place. 

Kitchen Garden

Image: Holes in the World Studio

With weddings put on hold, our holiday cottages became more available on the weekends, so we have been selling our wonderful boxes of homegrown fruit, vegetables and eggs to our guests. Those who have helped us pick the produce have really found the power of gardening to be an effective tool to calm the mind, be in nature and totally switch off. The surplus has also meant that we have been able to supply produce to the Duchy of Cornwall cafe who have used it through-out their menus this summer, read all about it here. For those staying with us, or living locally do let us know if you would like to spend some time in our garden, we would be delighted for you to come along. 


Boconnoc produce box Picking produce

All our fruit and vegetables are grown by our talented Gardener Stuart on a sunny south-facing spot by the Stewardry on the estate. The Fortescue family have been picking and collecting the produce for guests each week in preparation for their arrival, which has been available to our cottage and yurt guests and our campers as well. 

Boconnoc produce

Image: Holes in the World Studio

It has been wonderful to be able to utilise the produce this year in a different way from usual and no doubt we will be rolling out a similar concept next year off the back of this success.