Reconnecting with ourselves and our food

Pre-pandemic our Kitchen Garden would perhaps produce a few crates of fruit and vegetables every few weeks, enough to share around between the staff and family. As the pandemic raged on, so did our need to reconnect with ourselves and with where our food was coming from, at this point we decided to invest more time into our Kitchen Garden and start offering a produce box service to our local community, and once we were able to travel more freely, to our holiday cottage guests too. So this legacy has continued post pandemic and we continue to offer our boxes of delicious, home-grown produce to our community and guests. Some produce is used in menus for our private events, such as rhubarb and strawberry compote for breakfasts, or vegetables and salad for private event dinners. The remaining produce will be packed neatly into wooden crates awaiting arrival of our guests. Boxes are filled with what ever is available in the garden at that time. At the moment we are picking rhubarb, garlic, radish, new potatoes and lettuce. We love the joy of not knowing what will be ready next and being totally guided by the seasons. Find out more below about ordering produce. 

Pre-order Produce Boxes
When you book a stay at Boconnoc you can pre-order a produce box to be ready in your accommodation when you arrive. When you make your booking just select ‘produce box’ from the list so that our team know that you would like one for your stay. 

Pick Your Own
If you are staying at the Stewardry guests are welcome to ‘Pick Your Own’ from the Kitchen Garden which is situated just inside the driveway of the property. Pop by the Estate Office and we can give you a produce box to fill up, then once you’re done come back and we can weigh your produce and take the payment. 

If you have any questions about our produce do get in touch with the Boconnoc Team. 

Produce boxes in Cornwall