Sustainable Travel

In many ways, Boconnoc is a seamless part of the Cornish countryside. The expansive grounds encompass a historic Deer Park, an ancient woodland, gorgeous gardens, and other natural attractions. Boconnoc simply wouldn’t be the same without its wealth of nature, flora and fauna.

Now—following an intensive, 12-year renovation period—we have several initiatives underway that will go far towards making Boconnoc the perfect destination for sustainable travel. Fresh air, beautiful countryside, and eco-awareness all combine to make Boconnoc a dream Cornish retreat.

Keeping Cosy

Nothing captures the feel of countryside luxury quite like snuggling down in your own cosy cottage, and Boconnoc’s chip fire boiler ensures that visitors sleep in comfort, no matter the season. The boiler supplies both heat and hot water to Boconnoc House as well as the Dairy House.

All the wood chips that are fed into the boiler are produced on site: we store the wood in the fresh air and allow it to dry for an extended period before having it chipped down and saved in our chip store.

We’ve also planted a number of eucalyptus trees on our grounds for use as biomass. Within the decade, they’ll be felled according to a coppice rotational system; in the coming years, we hope that Boconnoc will be able to supply fuel needed to keep the estate comfortably chugging along.

Local Produce

Of course, timber isn’t the only product with local roots. Boconnoc’s beautiful location near to a number of local farms mean that sustainability-minded travellers have only the freshest and most delicious ingredients available to them. Sourced from mere miles away, and made by small producers, everything you’ll sample during your stay is sure to be completely delicious.

Whether you’re starting the day on the fabulous yogurts made by Trewithen Dairy (complemented by crunchy granola and fresh fruit), hosting your own lakeside barbecue with meats from Lostwithiel’s butcher, or enjoying a pre-dinner tipple of Cornish cider, you’ll enjoy a real taste of Cornwall during your stay.

Don’t forget, too, that blossoms—from dahlias to camellias and hydrangeas and more—can be picked from the estate’s own gardens to lend your room a splash of colour and heavenly fragrance.

A History of Sustainability

Of course, sustainability isn’t a new concept here. Country manors like Boconnoc have, for centuries, made use of their local resources in order to flourish, and the area’s rich ecosystem has always been a sustaining force.

Step into Boconnoc’s history with a visit to the Old Sawmill on the estate. See a glimpse into the industry that used to fuel this part of the country—all powered by water. Complete your sustainable travels with trips to local farms and farm shops, and, of course, long rambles through the spectacular scenery.