October Update

Our head Gardener, Stuart, has been busy working on an ‘end of year tidy up’, cutting back the long grass so that, come spring, all the beautiful wild flowers; primroses, bluebells and daffodils, aren’t overcrowded and all grow together. 

We continue to take small steps in the direction of sustainability and are committed to tending to the garden and grounds in more sustainable ways – improving soil health, composting and managing the weeds differently so to avoid chemical use.

Stuart admitted that the new approach to weed management does require a mindset shift for everyone as management of weeds now takes far more time than it did before. The wildlife and wild flowers will thank us, without doubt, but we are also convinced that more sustainable, natural approaches to grounds management is essential. 


In Season

Parsnips and apples have been the stars of the show this month.

Parsnips were dug and delivered to The Duchy Nursery by one of the team last week. While apples were delivered to our friends at Cornish Orchard, who make a delicious range of ciders and juices. The last remaining apples of this years’ harvest have gone into winter storage, thanks to the time and hard work of volunteers and friends of Boconnoc.

Images by Holes In The World Studio